Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 5 Wednesday

 Well, we have one full day left, and this week has been awesome so far! It's so hard to believe our trip is almost over, but it sure has been an eye opening experience. I still miss my family back at home though. (Hey Mama, Grandmama, and Grandaddy!) Today, I was on the paint crew, and we went to the local school building to paint the outside walls. It was so neat to watch all the little kids running around making crafts and playing basketball while we were painting. Many of them were so excited and interested in what we were doing, and Callie and I even got to take a picture with one of the girls there! Besides the satisfaction of serving the children of the community, the teens/adults on the crew had a wonderful time full of laughter and bonding. By the end of the day, we were all absolutely covered in red paint! The rest of the day was just as exciting as the beginning. The end of the skit was presented, and it was AMAZING. Many of the little kids got so engrossed in the story, and everyone could tell that God was working in their lives because of our youth group's talented actors. Even though tomorrow is our last day, I know everyone has been changed in some way. We have all realized how extremely lucky we are to have houses to live in and food to eat. The food crew and the house crew got to experience this firsthand as they worked in the neighborhoods of poverty stricken families. Even though these families own close to nothing, they still have such joyous attitudes and welcoming smiles. Well, I guess I'll finish up and go get ready for bed. (Most of the teens went up to the amphitheater tonight to stargaze and worship together.) Hopefully, there will be no screaming girls or stray mice tonight! (For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you will definitely hear from someone haha.) I know God has immensely blessed this trip, and I will never forget my first trip to the City of Children. See everybody on Friday!
-Greer Kimbell                                                                                        

Our Festival of Sharing award today went to Addison Durham, who has exhibited a great servant heart all day Wednesday.  He also plays a very "logical" Mr. Spock.
"Live Long, and Prosper Y'all".

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